News from the field

Image courtesy of ORganic Rapeseed oil

Rural Britain is a wonderful assortment of farms, estates, hamlets, villages, forests and moors, lochs and valleys. Our stunning scenery, close communities and wonderful rural businesses provide an idyllic lifestyle for many, but rural life can also throw up some pretty unique challenges.

The Rural Scene (the Scene & Herd rural blog and news updates) looks at what’s new, what’s relevant, what’s tasty, what’s fun and what’s challenging about life in the Great British Countryside. We offer an insider insight into rural Britain, highlighting some of the exceptional people, businesses and innovations we believe that everybody should know about.

Skills Development within Farming’s Workforce

Two opportunities to upskill and contribute your solutions at AgriScot on Wednesday 16th November: 1) FREE development programme for women working in the rural sector and 2) SAOS ‘Skills Development – Future Proofing Farming’s Workforce’ seminar


OnFARM Podcast: The Yorkshire Shepherdess, Amanda Owen

Amanda Owen, 'The Yorkshire Shepherdess', is one of the UK’s most famous farmers. She chats with Anna about her hill farm, and her life as a shepherd, sheepdog trainer, mum-of-9, and best-selling author. 


Five things we could all learn from horses

Yes, I am talking of those large animals with hooves that seem to primarily exist as a means of draining their owners’ bank accounts. But apart from being better at extracting money than a seasoned Mobster, there are a few important life lessons we can learn from these creatures.


Are You Offended?

Recently, I offended someone. I hope it goes without saying that this was very much NOT what I had intended. In fact, the very same action elicited a ‘thank you’ from somebody else. Nevertheless, someone was offended by something I did. And that’s not OK. I felt terrible. I stewed over it. I analysed it. I apologised. But still, I feel bad.


OnFARM Podcast: Funding rural Scotland's climate change solutions - with Firstport

Four rural communities from around Scotland have been shortlisted for up to £50,000 of Scottish Government funding to support climate change solutions - administered by First Port, Scotland's agency for start-up social entrepreneurs. Anna speaks with Firstport's Carmen Paputa-Dutu about the shortlisted projects, and funding for similar projects in years to come. This episode is supported by Scottish law firm Gillespie Macandrew.