Saying No Can Be Your Superpower: A Guide to Essential Boundaries

Whether it's a collaboration that doesn't quite fit with your brand, a job applicant that doesn't have the required skills or a project that you simply don't have the capacity for, at some point, all businesses have to say “no”. It's not easy but it is an essential time management technique that brings you closer to your goals.

Are you still saying “Yes” when you want to say “No”? The following might help:

Be Firm & Direct: Ditch the weak "I'm so sorry, but..." and replace it with a clear, concise "No, thank you." You don't owe anyone an explanation, and your time is valuable.

Plan Ahead & Communicate: Anticipate busy periods and proactively let others know your availability. A simple "I'm booked solid for the next few weeks" can save everyone time and frustration.

Trust Your Gut: If something feels off, it probably is. Don't ignore that inner voice. Remember, Scene & Herd's motto: "If it feels wrong, say no. If it feels scary, say YES!"

Embrace Negotiation: The OnFARM podcast episode 'Be a price-maker not a price-taker' with dairy farmer Rory Christie has some great tips.


           Be a price-maker not a price-taker. with dairy farmer Rory Christie

Remember Your Why: Like Scene & Herd's own shift from traditional PR to embracing new avenues like podcasting, branding and web design, be willing to adapt your offerings. While core values remain, sometimes saying no to the old makes room for the "Yes!" of the future.

Remember: Saying no isn't selfish; it's strategic. It protects your time, energy, and resources, allowing you to serve your ideal clients and achieve your true vision.

Have a good week, let go of the "yes" reflex and embrace the power of saying no for a more fulfilling and successful business journey.