ONFARM RHASS Podcast 1: The Difficult Decision to Cancel

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Do you have a Highland Show-shaped gap in your life?This summer, OnFARM are teaming up with the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland (RHASS) to bring you a celebration of rural Scotland, and all that we'll miss now that the show is sadly cancelled.In weeks to come, we'll hear from regular visitors, businesses, competitors, and many others. But in this first episode in the series, chairman Bill Gray and chief executive Alan Laidlaw re-live the difficult decision to cancel this year's Royal Highland Show.

We want your stories for future episodes!Do you have a special memory of the Highland Show or a particular friend you'll miss seeing this year because you only meet once a year at Ingliston?We are also looking for inspiring stories of rural communities and businesses who have adapted to life under Coronavirus lockdown.Please tweet @On_FARMUK or email anna@sceneandherdpr.co.uk. We'd love to hear from you.