Listen to "RHASS 6: The View From Town" on Spreaker.
It is Royal Highland Show week! Or it would be in more normal times. In The View From Town, OnFARM explores ways people not directly connected to agriculture still connect and relate to food, farming and the countryside. Anna also speaks with Marks and Spencer's head of agriculture Steven Maclean and hears from a family of urban visitors to the Royal Highland Show. What draws them back to Ingliston year after year?
#keeptalking is a national campaign from RSABI, supported by RHASS, OnFARM and others. It is set to culminate with a National #KeepTalking Day on June 18th, which was due to be the first day of the Royal Highland Show. The ask on the day is simple: pick up the phone, and phone 5 people you haven't spoken to in the past six months. Then show you're supporting the campaign by sharing posts and pictures on social media with the hashtags
#keeptalking and #phone5. Chances are both you and the people you call will feel better as a result.This episode hears from:Caroline Miller from GoRuralMarks and Spencer Head of Agriculture Steve McLeanMargaret Gilmour from Food For Life Scotland / The Soil Association