Listen to "OnFARM RHASS 2: Meet You In the Usual Place" on Spreaker.
Meeting Friends: For many, the Royal Highland Show is their one big chance each year meeting friends and to re-connect with people they don't otherwise manage to see.
This time, OnFARM is exploring the importance of those four summer days at Ingliston for social connection and mental wellbeing.Anna is joined by Nina Clancy from RSABI, and Professor Sarah Skerratt, who has done lots of academic research on mental health in rural communities.This is episode 2 of an OnFARM series in partnership with the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland (RHASS).(You can hear episode 1: The Difficult Decision to Cancel here)=================================Please get in touch if you'd like to feature in future episodes. Are you using RHET online resources to help with your family's home-schooling under lockdown? We are also looking for stories of rural or farm-based businesses who have adapted to Coronavirus. We'd love to hear from you. Please tweet @On_FARMUK or email