October 2024

As we say farewell to the remaining swallows and welcome the sound of incoming geese, this time of year, with its lower light levels, unpredictable weather and less colour in the landscape can leave many people feeling tired and downbeat.  The Scene and Herd team members have some suggestions to take care of yourselves:

Dave:  "Wrap up warm, get outside and look up at the night sky!  This time of year is peak meteor season with the Orionids, Taurids and Leonids all peaking over the coming weeks.  The Royal Observatory has some guidance on how to spot them here."

John: "I find light therapy useful in the darker months.  Consider sitting in front of a lightbox for an hour or using a dawn-simulating alarm clock which gradually gets brighter and can be particularly helpful if you find it hard to wake up on winter mornings!"

Jan:  "Ensure you get enough Vitamin D.  From October to March when light levels are lower, it's difficult to get enough Vitamin D from dietary sources alone (e.g. oily fish, eggs & fortified breakfast cereals) so consider taking supplements to maintain good bone and muscle health."

Anna: "As tempting as it is to go into 'hibernation mode', I find I always feel better after some exercise.  It is a real mood booster and any activity is better than none!  See some tips here."


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Volunteers Needed

Regenerative farmers have an opportunity to take part in a pan-European soil study that it is hoped will help inform future farming policy.

A founding farmer of the European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture (www.eara.farm), a lobbying organisation of farmers promoting the redesign of agricultural policy through building resilient ecosystems across Europe, William Houstoun is appealing for farmers to join EARA’s fully funded pilot study which will investigate whether satellite data of photosynthetic activity and bare ground can be used to assess soil health and therefore as a basis for farm funding.

A principal contributor to EARA’s recently published White Paper, Towards a farmer-centric CAP rooted in agroecosystem health, William said: “The formation of EARA, our white paper and connected pilot projects across European farms to find out if what we are suggesting works in practice, have all been driven by our concerns about people, nature and the competing interests of food, farming, environment and health, which should be working in harmony not opposition.

“We need some farmers in the UK who are regenerating their land to take part in this study so we can generate a comprehensive European picture that I genuinely think will make a difference to farming in the future.”

EARA is also now able to open up membership to regenerative farmers throughout Europe, giving them the opportunity to network with like-minded people and influence policy in their own areas.

For more information about joining EARA and/or taking part in the pilot project, please contact William through www.land.scot.

Rural Scotland Gift Guide

We'd like to put together a Rural Scotland Gift Guide in a future mailing, and would love to feature as many of you as possible!  This guide is all about celebrating the creativity and craftsmanship of rural businesses. So, if you offer delicious local food, unforgettable experiences, or beautiful homeware, there's a spot for you in our guide!

Here are some categories we're looking to fill:

Ready to share your product or service?

Fill out our quick and easy submission form by 25 November:  https://form.jotform.com/242674323331350

(We'll be in touch with clients to arrange a free listing.  Non-clients are welcome to submit a listing for a flat fee of £25 plus VAT.)

Spread the word! Do you know of other rural businesses that would love this exposure? This offer is EXCLUSIVELY for Rural Resource subscribers so please share the link to sign up: tinyurl.com/ruralresource.  Together, let's make this Christmas a celebration of rural enterprise!

Remember, you can send us your news, offers, vacancies etc and we'll do our best to include it in future mailings.

Enter Your Rural Gift Guide Submission Here

November: Celebrate, Reflect, and Delight!

From World Vegan Day to Black Friday. November is a vibrant tapestry of seasonal celebrations, insightful observations, and delicious delights!  Let's dive into the calendar and explore the opportunities to connect with potential customers