Has X Lost its Appeal?: How to Reclaim Your Happy Place on Twitter

As an early adopter of Twitter, I used it to share local information. Lost pets were reunited with relieved owners, stranded cyclists were rescued by strangers - and 'Twitter pals' became real-life friends.

I don’t think it's false nostalgia on my part, but I'm sure it used to be possible to have a civilised discussion with tweeps with whom I disagreed. Unfortunately, these days the social media platform formerly known as Twitter no longer has quite the charm it used to.

I'm often asked if X, as it is now known, is still useful for business. The short answer is that it depends on your audience. The longer answer will have to wait for another post. In the meantime, if you miss the days when everyone didn't seem so angry all the time, you can just read on to find out how you might be able to rekindle your love of Twitter/X.

Tweet Your Way to Joy: Reclaiming X as a Playground, Not a Battleground

There's still fun to be had in the 280-character land! It's time to dust off your account and rediscover the joy of X, minus the drama. Here's your guide:

Curate Your Oasis

It's easy to forget that Twitter is a completely customisable experience and you are in control of what you see to a large extent.

Connect, Don't Conquer

We are hard-wired for connection. We need it. We crave it. We benefit from it. While social media platforms aren't a substitute for real-life connections, they do have a role to play in deepening our relationships with the world beyond ourselves.

Bonus Tip: Be the change you want to see. Spread positivity, engage respectfully and remember, you can shape your online experience. If in doubt use the THINK rule (Is a post True, Helpful, Interesting, Necessary or Kind).

Remember, reclaiming Twitter/X isn't about ignoring reality, it's about choosing how you engage with it. Use your voice for good, nurture connections, and have fun!

Twitter help: https://help.twitter.com/en/using-x

Fun Hashtags:










#WallsonWednesday or #WednesdayWalls












#StaircaseSaturday or #SaturdayStairs






#SignsOnSunday or #SundaySigns
