Do not launch a podcast until….

….you have read this!

When we heard that the fabulous Cammy Wilson of The Sheep Game had started his own podcast, it made total sense to us.  Cammy has hundreds of thousands of followers on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok and these people are probably hungry for even more Cammy content.  He’s well known, he’s popular, he’s funny and he knows what he’s talking about. We listen to his pod and we are delighted to have him join the podcasting clan. (Have a listen at:

HOWEVER, unless you have an existing following like Cammy, building and growing a podcast audience is TOUGH! Listeners do not simply appear – you have to work hard to find them and you have to work hard to keep them.  Your content and the QUALITY of your production and sound need to be really good if people are going to continue to invite you into their homes, their cars or their tractors and promoting the podcast is an every day exercise. 90 per cent of podcasts don't get past episode three. That’s 1,800,000 podcasts which QUIT before they even really get started. Of the 200,000 left, 90 per cent quit after 20 episodes. It’s a tough gig!

So, if you are a company, charity or organisation and you are thinking of launching a podcast, speak to us first.  It’s highly likely that we could work out a way in which the OnFARM podcast could work with you to ensure that your messages reach our audience (which we’ve spent four years growing and nurturing), saving you the TIME, MONEY and EFFORT it takes to grow your own podcast from scratch. Why not make life easier rather than more difficult? Why not piggyback on our existing success and save yourself an uphill climb?

As an established podcast and an established brand, OnFARM can help you start much further along the podcasting journey, giving you an incredible head start.

Get in touch for a chat and meantime, we’d love you to listen to OnFARM: