News from the field

Image courtesy of ORganic Rapeseed oil

Rural Britain is a wonderful assortment of farms, estates, hamlets, villages, forests and moors, lochs and valleys. Our stunning scenery, close communities and wonderful rural businesses provide an idyllic lifestyle for many, but rural life can also throw up some pretty unique challenges.

The Rural Scene (the Scene & Herd rural blog and news updates) looks at what’s new, what’s relevant, what’s tasty, what’s fun and what’s challenging about life in the Great British Countryside. We offer an insider insight into rural Britain, highlighting some of the exceptional people, businesses and innovations we believe that everybody should know about.

Why I suspect (sorry!) that you aren’t very good at DIY!

I don’t mean that I doubt your ability to put up a shelf, build a flatpack or repair a garden fence.Instead, I’m afraid I’m doubting your ability to create compelling marketing materials. In this era of fancy and user friendly apps and during a time when money is tight for almost all of us, it’s very tempting to have a go at DIY and tackle things that are outside of our skill set in order to save money and to ‘make life easier’.


August 2024

How has your summer been? Busy? We know that running a rural business is a lot like operating a combine - more complicated than most people realise and with several moving parts! We understand. You’re busy, you wear many hats (don't get me started on beanies!), and marketing might be on the back burner. But just as tractors need fuel, crops need rain, and livestock need fed, your business needs promotion to grow. Let us help you steer your business forward.


Lessons from the Edinburgh Fringe: Marketing for Everyone

Every August, the vibrant streets of Edinburgh transform into a cultural melting pot. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, boasting over 2,000 performances across 200 venues, draws in thousands of eager participants. Sounds a lot like trying to launch a product or service at an agricultural show, right? While not every Festival performer aims for stardom, the Fringe provides valuable marketing lessons applicable to any rural business.


A time to vent…

Do you sometimes think you spend all your time being polite, kind and diplomatic? Yes, so do I! In a world where we put so much effort into being polite, let’s give ourselves 20 minutes of indulgence and allow time for a rant and a moan.


Please don’t….

I’m a glass is half-full person so I promise that nine times out of ten, you will receive emails that are about things that are good to do rather than things that aren’t. However, just once in a while, it seems right to address some things (mostly, but not exclusively, related to social media) that I think negatively impact personal or business reputations and see if we can change them.