News from the field

Image courtesy of ORganic Rapeseed oil

Rural Britain is a wonderful assortment of farms, estates, hamlets, villages, forests and moors, lochs and valleys. Our stunning scenery, close communities and wonderful rural businesses provide an idyllic lifestyle for many, but rural life can also throw up some pretty unique challenges.

The Rural Scene (the Scene & Herd rural blog and news updates) looks at what’s new, what’s relevant, what’s tasty, what’s fun and what’s challenging about life in the Great British Countryside. We offer an insider insight into rural Britain, highlighting some of the exceptional people, businesses and innovations we believe that everybody should know about.

Social Proof: More Than Just a Herd Mentality

Just like sheep, people like to follow the crowd. It's an instinct that helps us survive and thrive. But is it just a herd mentality? Or is there something more to it?


OnFARM Podcast: Caithness YFC: celebrating 100 years of Young Farmers in Scotland

Celebrations have been taking place in Caithness to mark 100 years since the Young Farmer’s movement got underway in Scotland. The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs - SAYFC - wasn’t formed until 1938, but the first ever club was set up at a rural schoolhouse near Thurso in 1923.


Are You Connected?

At the time of writing, the world is finding out about the felling of the iconic Sycamore Gap tree.‍ If you find it all too disheartening, read the inspiring story of how four children survived forty days in the Amazon jungle because of their knowledge of - and respect for - the natural environment. Unlike Lesly, Soleiny, Tien and Cristin, many children in Britain aren't familiar with the world around them, even in rural areas.


OnFARM Podcast: Patrick Laurie: Galloway farmer, conservationist and author

Patrick Laurie is an upland farmer and conservationist from Dalbeattie in Dumfries and Galloway. He talks to Monty of his pride in his herd of traditional Riggit Galloway cattle, and his growing concern for the plight of wildlife - particularly the birds that he says are disappearing from the landscape around him.


What was the last thing you did that was a little bit crazy?!

I’d love to hear. Did it end up being a fantastic decision or did you live to regret it?