News from the field

Image courtesy of ORganic Rapeseed oil

Rural Britain is a wonderful assortment of farms, estates, hamlets, villages, forests and moors, lochs and valleys. Our stunning scenery, close communities and wonderful rural businesses provide an idyllic lifestyle for many, but rural life can also throw up some pretty unique challenges.

The Rural Scene (the Scene & Herd rural blog and news updates) looks at what’s new, what’s relevant, what’s tasty, what’s fun and what’s challenging about life in the Great British Countryside. We offer an insider insight into rural Britain, highlighting some of the exceptional people, businesses and innovations we believe that everybody should know about.

November 2023

We hope this finds you well and recovering from the worst of Storm Babet (and Ciaran). The images from the North East of Scotland were dreadful. We always love receiving your news so thank you to those of you who have been in contact. Here's a quick round-up:


OnFARM Podcast: The Great Glen Cattle Ranch at Spean Bridge

Elspeth and Paolo Berardelli farm the Great Glen Cattle Ranch at Spean Bridge. They have a wide spread of enterprises on the farm, ranging from sheep and cattle, to deer stalking, and renewable energy.


Communicating with the non-farming public

The Scene and Herd team are all expert communicators. Communication is at the heart of everything we do: podcasts, website design, branding etc, and we think we do it rather well. We also notice when others don't!


OnFARM Podcast: Cairngorm Alpacas at Lochbuie Croft

Despite being a fourth-generation crofter, Robert Mackenzie has been on a steep learning curve since he took over Lochbuie Croft in Newtonmore five years ago.


Religion and Politics

Three of my main life ‘rules’ are: Never discuss religion or politics; Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you’re right, Never wear black and navy together! I’m certainly not qualified to dish out fashion advice and the second point speaks for itself so I’m going to touch on the first one today.